Created by potrace 1.14, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


PASSSAM – Study skills and methods


My personal definition of study is to devote time and energy/attention to gain an understanding and knowledge of a subject.

Study skills, therefore, are the set of strategies that are used to adequately acquire and gain knowledge about a chosen topic or subject. When we possess these skills or strategies, we are able to increase the efficiency of learning. We are also able to increase the likelihood that what we are to be learning is retained in our long term memory for future use.

Learning is a lifelong skill that when successful and mastered, will have a positive impact on our lives in all that we do. When we know how we learn (learning style) when we know what motivates us to learn, when we have a better sense of who we are and of ourselves, we will be more successful in learning. When we then learn strategies to use that will work with each of us as individuals, we will be even more successful!

I often talk to in my training about the learning process. Those who have not learned how to truly learn are usually the ones who are reviewing their book or notes the night before their tests for hours trying to cram as much into their brain as possible in order to regurgitate it for a test the next day. They may remember a small percentage of what they “learned” that night. They may pass the test, but won’t likely pass any future tests about the subject.

There are also those few students who have learned HOW to learn. These are the students who seem to not be cramming the night before, in fact, they are usually getting a good night’s sleep and well-rested for the test. Sometimes others think they are just naturally gifted and somehow miraculously know the content for the test. That is not the case. These students have learned about themselves. They know why they want to learn. They know their learning preferences. They may enjoy learning on their own or they may learn better when studying with a partner or with a group. They may learn when they teach the material to someone else or they may learn when the pace back and forth as they are reviewing the material. Perhaps they review their notes nightly and challenge themselves to learn 10 new vocabulary words or facts each night. Or maybe they seek out further knowledge independently in order to find a connection that they will relate to. These are usually students that after a test, study what they missed on the test and make a note so that they know how to improve. They reflect on what has worked and what hasn’t worked and seek to improve.

A large majority of students share some common problems. Maybe you too are faced with at least one if not more. Of these. First, you find that you do not get as much studying done as you want to. Not because you do not try or even that you do not actually go through the motions of studying, but somehow or the other you do not succeed in doing as much as you had planned. Second, you waste a great deal of time flitting from one thing to another. You are over enthusiastic to finish all your work in one day or evening. As a result, you get so disorganized that you fail to concentrate on even one task long enough to complete it. Third, you have difficulty setting down to study. You waste a good amount of time just getting ready to start studying.

On close examination, you will find that these problems are all related. They point to the fact that you do not know how to handle your study time to advantage so as to really accomplish something. Now even if you consider yourself as one who studies long and hard, you may be surprised to know that most probably many more hours than other people, it is quite possible that you are wasting half if not more of your time, PASSSAM will help you to find out your skills for studies.

There are a variety of strategies and steps to take to improve your study skills. PASSSAM Methods can certainly help you learn this and prepare for learning whatever material you are struggling with or need to improve your grades. PASSSAM Methods can help you prepare for higher studies. It will surely help your joyful learning and also your future achievement.


  • It helps to learn joyfully.
  • It encourages an easy way to read without memorize.
  • Teaches to study with hard work.
  • Five skills of learning.
  • It creates the ability to ask questions.
  • Teaches the questioning method of studying.
  • Improves learning habits.
  • Teaches ways to study more in less time.
  • It develops 5 systematic methods of learning.
  • It increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • You will assimilate more knowledge in less time if you study efficiently.